Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Strolling Down Memory Lane

So I was cleaning out some of the papers clogging up my drawers, and I've come across a few interesting things. I will post them here, with small prefaces to give an idea of context. Laugh, cry, and be amazed at all their uncut glory.

Excerpt From A Letter Written To Myself For English 2 (Sophomore in HS), 9-3-2003

My dream career is as a lead in a popular rock band. Really, I don't want the money or the women, but simply to be able to get messages of hope to the youth.

My ideal mate would be a little *cough* *wink* *nudge* foxy. She'd have a strong will and sense of justice. She'd stick by me even if I was a jerk, but always love me tenderly. We could go anywhere or do anything together, with our hearts as one. Embracing change and the open future set before us. We'd be in love; true love. Even if we were dying, one look in each other's eyes would bring us all the comfort we needed.

Retrospective comments - Note that this was originally in paragraph form, but Blogger apparently doesn't believe in indenting. For the record, those *'d words are actually in the letter. It's kind of interesting. I still remember what I was thinking when I wrote that, which is funny to me. There are a couple of parts that run on, and at least one incomplete sentence...but I guess that can be forgiven. I think it's worth noting that I used the word, "mate," instead of girlfriend, or companion, or what-have-you. Interesting times. There's more to the letter, but I'm not going to include it, because it seems boring and short-sighted.

The Old Man Rap, Undated

We're old men and we can't rap
We fee like our bones will snap
Our hips don't work, and that's not funny
But we'll still pwn your *** there sonny.
We can't even begin to rhyme
We don't know how to stay in time
But get us mad and then you'll see
This foot up your *** there sonny!

GAH! Get off my lawn!
GAH! I'll get my gun!
GAH! Get off my lawn!
GAH! You'd better run!

Retrospective comments - I remember back when I wrote this. It's still terrible. It's the kind of thing that you look back on and just go, "Really? What was I thinking?" If I remember correctly, this is actually the second version of this rap...heaven knows if I'll ever find the original.

Historical CD Project - "WOW! That's What I Call Socialism!" for AP European History. (Sophomore Year, HS)

Featured Artists:
01. - The Fouriers - (The Seas Will Turn To A) Pink Lemonade Serenade
02. - Never Blanc Out - Social Workshop, Never Gonna Stop
03. - Own'en You - Happy Worker = Happy Wallet
04. - PrOuD Ho[R]n - AnArChy 4 the Ma$sEs
05. - Mill-ing About - On Liberty
06. - Etieme Cabaret - Put Your Hands Together (For Communism)
07. - Twistin' Tristan - Financial R-E-S-P-E-C-T
08. - Henri Simon and the Federation of Saints - The Celebration of Industrialization (Hymnal)
09. - The Belgian Boxers Feat. Zoe Gatti - Trance Equality ~Feminist Mix~
10. - Proper Us, Harmony - I Am Woman, Here Me Roar

From the inside cover:
"While there were many utopian socialist bands, each with their own individual ideas, they were united by an intense need to reform the "Status Quo," of European Society, especially in favor of the working class. ... However, socialist music was largely ignored until Marx."

Retrospective Comments - 17 / 20 for lack of historical graphics? BS! I would TOTALLY buy this CD, if CD's weren't a dying medium. All in all, pretty good for having finished it the night before. That's responsibility for you.

Fortune Cookie I Found, Undated

Personal achievement will be your key to happiness.

Retrospective Notes - I didn't write it, so I can't comment. It does have a ring of truth to it, though.

Untitled, Unfinished Poem, Undated.

Heaven's here
To treat you well -
Never mind
The holding cell

Run or scream or
Slip away,
It doesn't matter

Light will hold you
Oh so tight and
Drag you out
Of the night

Retrospective Notes - I think the concept is interesting (heaven as hell), but I think the middle section isn't my best work. Interestingly, the piece of paper I found this on also includes early lyrics for the "Force Jansen" song. Go figure!

A Cellophane World, Undated

In our perfect, cellophane world
We are all waiting to be unfurled
From our precisely perfect packagings
And out unsubtle trappings

In our world coated in cellophane
There is simply no room for pain
Man is much too exquisitely packed
To see who he is or what he lacks.

Not a breath of air, just smiles to deceive
Gleefully applied, but never really received
In a world where man's simply lost his head
There is no worry for the dead.

If they are old and tired, send them away
And in a month, a week, no, a day
You'll be blessed with smiles anew
And in time, someone to replace you too.

Retrospective Comments - I'm not sure when I wrote this. I found it in a tub of old papers with some of my late High School (senior) and early college (first quarter) work. I think it has a few interesting observations, and the ending seems reasonably good. It's kind of interesting that this isn't in sonnet form. I was very fond of writing sonnets around that time. Sure, it's a little dark, but so's our world.

I have more material to go through, but since I want to keep my posts from getting too long, I'll stop this one here. Look for part 2...later tonight.

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