Sunday, February 17, 2008

Love In D'd

The Story -

This is a little something I came up with for Sam's birthday. It is dedicated completely and entirely to her. I should note that I did try a few things in this song that turned out better than expected. First, in the initial hum, I double-tracked the vocals. This isn't the first time I've used two vocal tracks, but it is the first time I've used it to record the same track over itself. I heard about this particular technique when watching a program about "Dark Side of the Moon," and "Machine Head," (by Pink Floyd and Deep Purple, respectively), so I figured I would give it a try. I'm dissatisfied at best with the vocals, but at least they're in tune. I should at least get a few pity points for that. I actually like both the guitar and bass in this one. I think that the bass is often too quiet (for some reason my bass records very quietly), but I jacked the volume up pretty high so hopefully it will balance out. The last two things I want to mention are the mood shift and the surprise ending. I really like the riff at the mood shift; the driving guitar is a little jangly, but all bad-ass. As for the surprise ending...well - have a listen and we'll see what's what. Let me just say this - when you first think the song is over, it may well not be over.

I know it doesn't all gel together at times, but I'm working on it. I just need to listen and let my fingers do the talking.

The Lyrics -

Let our love
Be the story
Of the mountain
And the sea
Let us fade
Into each other
I am you and
You are me


I pray
The day
We go our separate ways
Doesn't come.

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