Monday, November 5, 2007

Smokin' Pot In The Parking Lot

Copyright Hypnosis 2007.

The Story:

There isn't too much of a story to this one. An old friend of mine (as referenced in the song as "Rollin' Dolan) and I used to have ambitions of being the best band...ever. Our band was called "Squad Car," to which my mother jokingly added "And the Patty Wagons." Our band never actually contained any Patties, but I always get a good chuckle when I think of that name. Anyway - the culmination of our efforts was a Youth Group performance including, but not limited to "Eye of the Tiger," and, "Everlong (by the Foo Fighters)." Since then we have had no practices, no meetings, and absolutely no band related activity. Recently when Rollin' Dolan was in town, we were visiting a Wal-Mart (a entirely epic story in its own right), and we decided that "Smokin' Pot In The Parking Lot," was to be our smash-hit reunion tour single to end all singles. We would undoubtedly conquer the Youth Group market with such an amazing song. I was tasked with writing, performing, and producing...everything you hear on the track. At some points it lacks polish, and I know my vocals (and the layers) could use some work, but for the most part I am fairly happy with a song that started as a joke. You can download this song (for free, I might add) at

The Lyrcis:


Smokin' pot in the parking lot
Not pretendin' to be
Something we're not

Asphalt under feet
Stars in the sky
Who's to say what counts as alive?

That's the way I
Spend my days
Eyes closed,
Mind in a haze

We stopped carin'
A long time ago
Who's dumb
And who's in the know

Oh no...(x2)

[guitar solo]

Take me away
Take me off to the stars
We can fly
Away to Mars
Take me away
I can't bare to see
Man in the mirror
The man that is me



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