Saturday, November 17, 2007

(Unofficial) Theme Rap

Copyright DJ Funky White Boy Fresh

The Story:

My good friends over at produce a podcast called Knights of the Round. I saw a need - a need for a theme rap so face-meltingly amazing it would cause people to run from miles around just to hear it. Though the end result may very well cause children to drop a deuce in their pants, and grown men to cry like they've never cried before...behold: The All About The Hamilton's Rap!

The Lyrics:

We start with Josh
The main perpetrator
Credited As
The podcast's creator

Better watch out
I'm tellin' you cuz
He'll serve you up
Some nice hot fuzz

Instrumental solo.
Raise the roof.

Josh is cool
He's got the power
He's bad ass
Just like Jack Bauer

If you need a spy
Hit Josh up
He's your guy

Now let me tell you
'Bout a boy named Danny
With my rap skills
So uncanny

He shot a man in Reno
Just to watch him die
The boy's a pimp
He's a superfly

Shut your mouth!
Hey ladies.

If you like your news
If you like this sound
You'd better check out
Knights of the Round

They're on the mic
With looks to thrill
If they like this song
Wait 'til they get the bill


"Brother, it's"

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Copyright Hypnosis 2007.

The Story:

The story behind this one is actually pretty simple. It's not meant to be a criticism of the Iraq War or the "War On Terror," it's a criticism of war. I am ashamed to admit that when I first heard of the war in Iraq, I was indifferent. It seemed so unreal. It was confusing, but more than anything it wasn't a concern of mine; it wasn't a part of me. Now, as time has passed, and truths have been revealed (namely the absence of weapons of mass destruction, the lack of links to Al-Queda (except the ones that forged after the US entered...a terrible self-fulfilling prophecy), the utter incompetence and frustrating misappropriations of Bush administration, among other things) the war has become a part of me. I am not a soldier. I pray to God that I may never have to full such a terrible duty, but the war weighs on me. As this war continues, it seems more and more plain that behind the politics, behind the fear, and racism, and hate, behind the lack of understanding, behind the weapons, behind the corpses - there are human beings. There are innocents, and there are dirty, despicable, poor excuses for human beings on both sides of the war.

Let me speak as plainly as possible: no war is justified.

I want to make things clear. I've have not come to this conclusion because the Iraq War is an unpopular war. I have not come to this conclusion because of the Bush Administration, or Al-Queda, or Osama Bin Laden, or Sadam Hussein, or Dick Cheney. I've come to this conclusion because I believe, to the very fiber of my being, we are all human. Everyone has a story, everyone has hopes, and everyone has dreams. This will never explain away or validate the choices people make, good or bad, but at the very least, it must constitute a basis of understanding. It is a reason to care. It is a reason to believe, that through everything this world will suffer through, man will one day hold hands and say, "we may have our differences, and we all have our faults, but we can make due with each other. We can walk the path of peace. We can forgive the past, we can find a way to co-exist in the future." Some men and women would die for the country, for their religion, for their beliefs. To this day, and far into the future, they will continue to do so. Still, I am left to wonder - why die for your country when you can live for it? A country is only as beautiful as its people; a belief is only as powerful as its followers. Instead of closing your heart to the world, why not open your arms to it?


To speak a little bit about the song itself - it allowed me to experiment with song-writing. I know the vocals are terribly inconsistent (if you were wondering, that is all me singing), but there are some definitely some cool things in this song that were absent in "Metal 2." First, though the intro could be tightened up in a lot of places, there actually IS an intro. Secondly, I was able to layer the "chorus" with laughs (if you notice, they become more frantic...and yes, that was done on purpose). I think the whammy bar trick at the end is also a cool idea, even if I could have done a little better with it. In the end, I think my song-writing is improving, even if there is still a lot more room for growth.

The Lyrics:

Under to blood red moon
I hear the cry for war
We are born in blood
And yet we lust for more

War Breeds Hypocrites
War Breeds Hypocrites

I bought a gun today
Just to see it shine
And as I pull the trigger
I know your heart is mine

War Feeds Hypocrites
War Feeds Hypocrites

You may hate my methods
But you love my style
Delivered to your doorstep
That's service with a smile

War Bleeds Hypocrites
War Bleeds Hypocrites

You may call me rancid
You may call me swell
But either way you choose
You've all served me well

War Needs Hypocrites
War Needs Hypocrites

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Button (aka Metal 2)

Copyright Hypnosis 2007.

The Story:

This is my first attempt at a "metal," song. It has its share of problems, to be sure (it's not fast enough, there is no underlying / backing track, etc), but I was surprised with how well it seemed to work, given my skill at the time. I don't think it's long enough or specific enough to provide an in-depth political critique, but at the very least I hope it offers up some interesting metaphors and groovy moments. Interestingly I never actually came up with a name for this song until just moments ago. I don't think "The Button" adequately describes this song, but at least it makes sense and is more informative than "Metal 2." If you are wondering what happened to Metal's still in production. Really it's just a bunch of random ideas I recorded (IE me trying to sound cool on guitar), so it may never exist as a full song, like Metal 2 does. Fear not though - I have more music (and more metal music) on the way. It'll only be a matter of time.


Let me introduce myself
Though I'm sure you know my name
I'm dropping the bomb now
As the righteous are slain
Some call me Lucifer -
But you can call me Kane

I laugh at your cries for truth
And accountability
I could care less about
My responsibility

Give me the money
Give me my sins
I'll take it all
My pocketbook still wins

Ghosts rule this land now
Everything is ash
Man may have had the button
But he was not up for the task

What's one more way to die?
What's one more fear?
Go ahead and kiss your ass goodbye
Until the next election year.

[/end solo]

Monday, November 5, 2007

Smokin' Pot In The Parking Lot

Copyright Hypnosis 2007.

The Story:

There isn't too much of a story to this one. An old friend of mine (as referenced in the song as "Rollin' Dolan) and I used to have ambitions of being the best band...ever. Our band was called "Squad Car," to which my mother jokingly added "And the Patty Wagons." Our band never actually contained any Patties, but I always get a good chuckle when I think of that name. Anyway - the culmination of our efforts was a Youth Group performance including, but not limited to "Eye of the Tiger," and, "Everlong (by the Foo Fighters)." Since then we have had no practices, no meetings, and absolutely no band related activity. Recently when Rollin' Dolan was in town, we were visiting a Wal-Mart (a entirely epic story in its own right), and we decided that "Smokin' Pot In The Parking Lot," was to be our smash-hit reunion tour single to end all singles. We would undoubtedly conquer the Youth Group market with such an amazing song. I was tasked with writing, performing, and producing...everything you hear on the track. At some points it lacks polish, and I know my vocals (and the layers) could use some work, but for the most part I am fairly happy with a song that started as a joke. You can download this song (for free, I might add) at

The Lyrcis:


Smokin' pot in the parking lot
Not pretendin' to be
Something we're not

Asphalt under feet
Stars in the sky
Who's to say what counts as alive?

That's the way I
Spend my days
Eyes closed,
Mind in a haze

We stopped carin'
A long time ago
Who's dumb
And who's in the know

Oh no...(x2)

[guitar solo]

Take me away
Take me off to the stars
We can fly
Away to Mars
Take me away
I can't bare to see
Man in the mirror
The man that is me

