Monday, June 30, 2008

Streetlight Serenade

1000 eyes, 1000 stars
Watch from above
Watch from afar

Forced outside my ring
The shadows slowly dance
As the street-light softly sings

Time slips away with a feeble yawn
No one the wiser
As he rouses the dawn.

I wait, impatiently, for signs of the light
Twisted and hungry
With only dreams and eyelids to fight

Then a flash, a firefly's haze
Shadows torn open
By a headlight's gaze

Stunned, I smile and reach out a hand
Quivering, but happy,
Wind at my feet, ground in my hair, and -

The headlights roll on.
I am left waiting
For morning to come.


1 comment:

Iggy said...

I have no idea what this means, but I think that's a good thing. :P

(seriously. all "jk" aside it is good)