Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fan Works - Piso Mojado

The Story -

Well, I wasn't aware of this until recently, but apparently, the site is now cool enough to garner songs in response to songs that have been posted. This particular work is some kind of response to "Rebel Bell Yell," so...enjoy. If I remember the details correctly, this was done as a project for a music class...a friend of the site had to make a song, but couldn't use any instruments. All things considered, it turned out pretty well...I hope you got an A, John. I do have to agree with your mom first it is kind of hard to tell that it is you talking. It almost doesn't sound like you at parts. (Random observation of the day.)

The Lyrics -

Honestly, just listen to the song...and be amazed.


I just got word from John and...he got an A!

Hurray for John!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Commission Me!

As of today (2/18/08), I have decided to open my doors to commissions. This means if you want me to write a completely personalized and customizable song just for you, now's your chance!

I've set up the following F.A.Q. / Contract for anyone is interested.

Question - How should I get in contact with you?

Answer- The best way to reach me is through my email, at fromthewayside AT gmail DOT com.

Question: How much will it cost?

Answer: Song will cost $5 a pop. There will be $2 down payment for me to start work, and an additional $3 for me to release the final song to you.

Question: How long will it take?

Answer: At this point songs are estimated to take about two weeks to complete. If it takes longer, you will receive a dollar off your total purchase price for each additional week the song takes to complete*. A maximum of two dollars will be taken off your purchase.

*There are two exceptions to this - First, if the song is being composed in a peak period (EX: Valentine's Day), or I encounter extreme circumstances (Death in the family, Finals, Midterms, Etc), I reserve the right to extend the production period a reasonable amount (depending on the event) to finish the song.

Question: What if I am dissatisfied with the song?

Answer: If you are dissatisfied or want revisions to your song, it can be adjusted or re-written for $2-3 depending on the amount of work that goes into the revision. (EX: Rewriting some of the lyrics)

Question: Will you write any song? What about cover songs?

Answer: I reserve the right to refuse any song, but most topics will be accepted. I normally will NOT do cover songs, because I have no way of getting in touch with the original artist. I'm not here to infringe on copyright law.

Question: Will you write using any musical style?

Answer: The short answer is yes. The long answer is that I excel at certain styles over others. I will rarely turn down a song because of the style, but I may offer my own "artistic interpretation" of the style requested.

Question: Can I provide my own lyrics?

Answer: Yes. I will accept any lyrics, riffs, etc, as long as they are not pulled straight from someone else's song (see my thoughts on doing cover songs above), and they don't bother / offend me (a very hard thing to do). Lyrics and riffs may be tinkered with to make the song work.

Question - I don't like your voice / want a female singer / etc. Will you still do a song for me?

Answer - Yes. I will do everything in my power to arrange for the right person to perform your song for you. Be aware though, that I have limited resources to make this happen, so it may not always be possible.

Question - Can I give a copy of the song to my friends?

Answer - Of course! You are completely free to distribute as many copies as you like, as long as you are not selling the song for a profit.

NOTE: I will retain sole copyright / licensing to the song.

Question: How will I receive my song when it is finished?

Answer: I can send it to you in one of several ways. Normal costs include an mp3 of your song, sent to you over the internet. If you prefer to have the song burned on a CD (jewel case optional but recommended) and sent to you, there will be an additional charge. I will not pay shipping fees.

Question - Will you post every song you write on the site?

Answer - No. If you don't want me to post a song on the site, I won't. I will always try to wait for your permission to post, but if I don't receive a yes or no within one month of completion, I may post it on the site (though none of the commissioner's information will be included).

Question - What method of payment do you prefer?

Answer - I prefer cash when possible (local deals), and will accept pay pal and certified check payments. If none of the above work for you, contact me and we can discuss payment.

Question - I have a question that hasn't been answered here!

Answer - Email me at the address listed above and below.

Question - How should I get in contact with you?

Answer- The best way to reach me is through my email, at fromthewayside AT gmail DOT com. (I know I included this information twice; I just want to make sure no one missed it.)

I hope this little FAQ has sparked your interest and answered any questions you might have had! Feel free to drop me a line at my email address. I look forward to hearing from you!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Love In D'd

The Story -

This is a little something I came up with for Sam's birthday. It is dedicated completely and entirely to her. I should note that I did try a few things in this song that turned out better than expected. First, in the initial hum, I double-tracked the vocals. This isn't the first time I've used two vocal tracks, but it is the first time I've used it to record the same track over itself. I heard about this particular technique when watching a program about "Dark Side of the Moon," and "Machine Head," (by Pink Floyd and Deep Purple, respectively), so I figured I would give it a try. I'm dissatisfied at best with the vocals, but at least they're in tune. I should at least get a few pity points for that. I actually like both the guitar and bass in this one. I think that the bass is often too quiet (for some reason my bass records very quietly), but I jacked the volume up pretty high so hopefully it will balance out. The last two things I want to mention are the mood shift and the surprise ending. I really like the riff at the mood shift; the driving guitar is a little jangly, but all bad-ass. As for the surprise ending...well - have a listen and we'll see what's what. Let me just say this - when you first think the song is over, it may well not be over.

I know it doesn't all gel together at times, but I'm working on it. I just need to listen and let my fingers do the talking.

The Lyrics -

Let our love
Be the story
Of the mountain
And the sea
Let us fade
Into each other
I am you and
You are me


I pray
The day
We go our separate ways
Doesn't come.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Concept Album

Ccheck this out for a premise (perhaps of a poem, book, or album) -

"Kurtzbleckistan" is a recently formed state (country) in the Middle East. It consists primarily of revolutionary separatists. Though they are not necessarily associated with any "real-world" country or religion, there are certainly "religious" overtones at work within its borders. It is ruled by a seemingly benevolent dictator who allows for a puppet democracy, so as to promote a "good feeling" in his support base (virtually all of the country). Citizens that vote are given, "government subsidized medicine," or what boils down to drugs for votes. Citizens that don't vote are rounded up and imprisoned. Some are shot for the amusement of the dictator, but mostly they are just left to rot in cells. There is a mild, but ultimately futile resistance movement in Kurtzbleckistan. Oil revenue is a major boon for Kurtzbleckistan, so much so that "Universal Healthcare" is offered. As it turns out, Kurtzbleckistan is actually populated by a lot of very fair skinned citizens. This proves to be a major burden on the healthcare system. Hilarity ensues when, instead of revising or discarding the system, the dictator simply decides to detonate the sun, thereby negating any healthcare issues. The work itself would discuss Kurtzbleckistan, from its inception to its peak and ultimate collapse.

Track Titles (Perhaps In Order):

- Welcome To Kurtzbleckistan
- One Man Revolution
- Power Is My Religion
- The Mind of a Dictator
- "Mommy?"
- The Birth of a "Star;" the Death of a Star
- Epilogue

Any thoughts?